Multiple elements bulid up a person’s well being either it’s physical or mental. Components like vitamin, iron, calcium etc play a major role in building a physically healthy working body; likewise, feeling contented, supported, understood, etc is important for a mentally healthy working body. A number of factors can affect this condition among which surrounding oneself with good company of people is of utmost importance. As toxins in our body can disrupt our physical well being; similarly, toxicity in our workspace and relationships can harm our mental well being in the long-run. Toxic relationships are not always characterised by abusive parents, siblings or partners. It can reside in behaviours as little as undervaluing someone’s efforts, or when you give more, but you get less in return. Half of the times these relationships are a threat to your self-esteem. You might always be at the target to take the blame for something bad that happened amongst you, or you might simply be using a lot of your time and energy cheering them up. These relationships don’t make you feel safe, and feelings of negligence, disappointment and disbelief lure around you. Though not every toxic relationship is abusive but, almost every other abusive relationship is toxic.

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